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How To Cope With Emotional Overwhelm

Seasons Greetings!

I hope this message gets seen by those whom need to see it. I went through a very traumatic childhood, and I have some autistic tendencies. One thing I used to always struggle with is wanting to people please and at times the responsibilities of life could feel so overwhelming. What has helped me immensely navigate through life and stay "above water." Is a few things:

1. I submit to a higher being- God. This helps me to take control over the things I have power over, and submit the things I feel powerless over to God

2. I have some verses from the bible that I say daily that really help me such as "I can do all things through christ whom strengthens me." And "nothing can separate me from the love of God"

And "God's power is made known through my weaknesses"

3. I pull on a memory that reminds me that everything will be OK. And that is when I was younger and very scared to go into the pool because it was too cold. I would dip my foot in and shiver and not want to get in. My dad would say just Jump In. When I jumped in the pool my body quickly acclimatised to the temperature and I was fine. I picture this experience and how I felt when I just jumped in. And breath the power and control I took back and confidence in that moment back into existence

I am a mindful massage coach and holistic facialist, I run a variety of mindful massage classes and I sell holistic skincare as well. I have a Reset workshop which is inspired by the wind in the sea and how it creates turbulence. But it also pushes out what is lifeless out of the sea and helps to create new life. This workshop also helps the participant to allow unwanted thoughts to pass, instill peace and calm, and learn holistic self touch through massage techniques that can be quite self reassuring. Anyone who clicks on the link and purchases this workshop (uk only) I will send you a calming self warming massage oil and a positive message that has helped me through 💜

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