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7 Steps To Recovering Dull Skin: Part 1

We are close to entering the final quarter of the year.

Usually when we reach so close to the finishing line we can begin to feel quite tired, and also lack the momentum and drive.

The same can be said for our skin. That period of leaving the summer and entering to a period of cooler dry weather can lead to our skin looking more duller. It is important at this time to give it a boost. And not to worry, here are some tips for you:

1. Increase your water intake- by drinking atleast 2 litres of water (8-9 cups). By doing so you are helping your body to flush out waste and toxins. You are also increasing hydration to your skin which will help to brighten your skin, and for your skin to become more elasticated

2. Stimulate your skin- by applying your finger tips to your face as if you are makjng freckles at a medium pace will help to stimulate your skin and increase blood flow. This can help to brighten your skin, and encourage better absorbtion of products

3. Make sure that you are deep cleansing- dull skin can also be caused by a build up of dead skin, excess oil, or dirt. Deep cleansing is the process of washing your face twice. For makeup users this is often done with an oil based cleanser first to get rid of the makeup, followed by your normal cleanser such as a cream, gel, or foam one. I think if you go outside then you should double cleanse irrespective of if you wear makeup or not. This is because our skin is in contact with pollution, sweat, free radicals, weather conditions, etc that can all have an impact on our skin. By washing your face twice you are not only giving your face a generous clean, but are also gently exfoliating it. Tip: use luke warm water during this process, and remember to work the cleanser into your face for at least 60-120 seconds in upward circular motion's before washing it off (this is to give enough time for the products to be activated)

Stay tuned next week for tips 4-7!

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